Smart Mail Basic POP3 Settings

POP3 (or POP) is the most basic email protocol. It allows you to download emails and to have options as to how long they remain on the server.

It also provides other options in how and when mail gets checked and delivered.

You may use an email account in association with your SmartSpace website.  If so, there is a setup process you must go through on your own computer to be able to receive emails from your SmartSpace website address.  You can also access your emails by webmail.

Your Email Client (Program)

Please Note!! All Email accounts will be required to connect using a secure connection (for incoming mail) with strong passwords.

The settings below apply to the POP3 email protocol.  This is a standard email collection system and is good when getting mail on one device only.  If you want to use the more 'feature rich' IMAP system, please click here.

  • Email Address:  (doubles as username).
  • Password:  provided by your domain administrator.
  • Incoming Mail Server:
  • Connection Security:  SSL
  • Authentication Method:  Normal Password.
  • Port:  995
  • Webmail:
  • Mobile Webmail:
  • Email Type:  POP3 (important:  please select IMAP if you want to sync between devices and/or use extra features).
  • Outgoing Mail Server:
  • Use port: 587
  • Encryption: STARTTLS (or try SSL/TLS)
  • If the outgoing settings above will not connect, use the alternative settings below:
  • Alternative port: 465
  • Alternative secure protocol: SSL
    • Please note!! You must always sign in to the server when sending mail through a Smart Mail mailserver.
    • You can also use the outgoing server provied by your ISP if you wish, but please advise us so we can adjust your DNS settings to improve deliverability.

Note El Capitan Mac Mail users!!

This system does not allow you to configure security settings but detects them automatically. In this case use the following setting:

Incoming Server :

This is the server host. If you are using our server for the outgoing server, use the same setting.

Troubleshooting - Important points where set up fails:

  • The user only inserted part of their email address as the username - you must use the whole email address.
  • Use port number 995 and set encryption to SSL (secure connection)
  • Alternatively Port 110 can be used but it must be in conjunction with the secure TLS service
  • The incoming Mail Server name is the one provided by Smart Mail - use the exact mailserver name.
  • The outgoing Mail Server name is NOT the one provided by Smart Mail if you are using the one provided by your ISP in which case you need to use their login credentials (not smartmail.
  • The capitalisation of passwords is not correct in the setup - the password must be EXACTLY the same - no capitals unless included.
  • Make sure that the email server type is POP3 if using the POP3 protocol. 
  • Do NOT use port number 110 - unless it is over TLS
  • Outgoing mail server settings on some versions of Outlook and Mac Mail will want to connect on an outdated protocol (SMPTS), so use Port: 465 via SSL

Also note, that you will need to insert your outgoing Mail Server into the Global Site Details record so that we can carry out some spam prevention measures and ensure your emails always get delivered to their intended addresses.

Using Email Programs (Clients) Mail, Outlook, Thunderbird

Depending on the program which you use to get and display your emails, there is a slightly different set up.  Follow the links below depending on your email client.

Follow  this link for Wiindows 7 Live Mail;

Follow this link for MS Outlook 2010 setup;

Follow this link for Outlook 2103 set up:

Follow this link for older versions of Outlook (MS) email setup;

Follow this link for Thunderbird (Mozilla) setup (there are links within this page which provide different set up options);

Follow one of these links for Mail (Mac) setup:

Manually Set Up E-mail with Mac OS X Mail

The Mavericks Os Setup

Older Apple Mail settings (please ignore the settings in the instructions - use only Smartmail settings)

Let us know if you need more info or if your email program is different from those above.

(Program names may be trademarked and owned by their parent corporations).

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